
cloud.Cloud(self, facet_types, support_size='max')

A class to store the meshfree cloud of points and related properties


Name Description
average_spacing Computes the average distance between nodes in the cloud
define_local_supports Finds the ā€˜support_sizeā€™ nearest neighbords of each node. This function is aware of the renumbering of nodes and uses the renumbering map to renumber the local supports accordingly.
print_global_indices Print the global ids of the cloud of points.
renumber_nodes Places the internal nodes at the top of the list, then the dirichlet, then neumann, then robin, then periodic nodes.
sort_dict_by_keys Sorts a dictionnay whose values are jax arrays; and returns an array easily indexable



Computes the average distance between nodes in the cloud

Returns: float: the mean distance between nodes



Finds the ā€˜support_sizeā€™ nearest neighbords of each node. This function is aware of the renumbering of nodes and uses the renumbering map to renumber the local supports accordingly.

Raises: AssertionError: When the support size not between 1 (included) and N-1 (included)

Returns: None: creates aditional attribute ā€˜local_supportsā€™ in the class



Print the global ids of the cloud of points.

:return: A 2d array of the global indices



Places the internal nodes at the top of the list, then the dirichlet, then neumann, then robin, then periodic nodes.

Raises: ValueError: When an unknown node type is found

Returns: None: creates additional attributes like: ā€˜facet_nodesā€™, ā€˜renumbering_mapā€™ in the class. Also renumnbers the local supports, the outward normals, and the global indices



Sorts a dictionnay whose values are jax arrays; and returns an array easily indexable