utils.RK4(fun, t_span, y0, *args, t_eval=None, subdivisions=1, **kwargs)
Numerical integration with RK4 and fixed-time stepping, but with fine subdivisions of the evaluation time intervals
Args: fun (Callable): The function to be integrated. y0 (Float[Array]): The initial condition. t_span (Tuple): The time interval for which the integration is to be performed. t_eval (Float[Array]): The time points at which the solution is to be evaluated. subdivisions (int): To improve stability, each interval in t_eval is divided into this many subdivisions. Consider increasing this if you obtain NaNs. *args: Additional arguments to be passed to the function. **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments to be passed to the function.
Raises: Warning: if t_span[0] is None. ValueError: if t_eval is None and t_span[1] is None.
Returns: Float[Array, “nb_time_steps”]: The solution at the time points in t_eval.